Sunday, November 28, 2010

So what am I looking for in a story?

I guess I should probably explain what I am looking for.  Basically, I am wanting is a good reading story.  Think, "Chicken Soup of the Soul" type stories.  Think warm and fuzzy.  That is what I am looking for.  It doesnt have to be perfectly written, I can do the spell checks and rearrange sentences as needed.  I just need YOUR story.  What about your stepmom is special?  Does she do something that makes you feel special?  Has she done something outrageous for which you are thankful?  Has she stepped in as a mom to you when yours didnt or couldnt?  Tell me a story, or several stories; describe her to me.  Explain why you love her so much.

I thought about posting my story, but then that might just give away who she is (if she comes across this blog, that is).  Sure, I could change the names, but the overall story would be easy to pick out if you are her.  I will type that my stepmom is an average person.  She isnt famous or perfect.  She is just special to me and my family.

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