Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Reason

Why am I doing this, you ask?  Well, because my stepmom is a fabulous woman.  AND, she is super hard to shop for (unless you count buying bath stuff). AND she likes to read.  So, what better present than a book created just for her (and all the other great stepmoms out there!)??  In all seriousness, the thought came to me while showering one day. You know how it is, you are shampooing your hair and your mind begins to wander.  Mine sure did that day (well, it does everyday, but this time I really remember what I was thinking about!) So there I was, in the shower, and I begin to think about shopping for Christmas presents.  (The thought train starts here.)  The thought then travels to shopping for my relatives, then chugs along to my dad and stepmom, then to how hard it is to buy for them. The train takes a leap and goes to a thought of when I was in a bookstore last spring before mother's day. All I saw were books about moms.  I didn't see a single one about stepmoms.  The train then shudders to a stop at the thought, "why not make a book about stepmoms?"  All of a sudden, I was blessed with thought after thought about what this book could be about and how happy she would be to receive this book. Cool huh? I think so!  I cannot think of a better present for her!  Although, I do not know how I would ever top this one!

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